NOTICE: Shipping to Australia temporarily banned by USPS. Email for inquiry.


Lenee creates resin pieces each filled with healing intent to bring her customers joy. Each figurine, necklace, or various knick knack, is charged with warm energy they hopes is radiated into every home their creations touch. After being diagnosed with polyarthralgia Lenee has found comfort and meaning in their business. Being able to use the hands which hurt them to make beautiful things is their way of commanding their own destiny. 


When do you restock?
For the time being, I have stopped my normal updates and instead will be putting new products in my stock throughout the week. I do list customs on Fridays. Follow me on twitter @hleneeh and turn on my notifications to stay informed! 

Is resin food safe?

Resin should not be used to store or hold food. It is not safe to be in contact with anything you plan to consume. All dishes and trays should not be used as plates for food. 

How do I take care of my art?
Resin should not be stored anywhere with extreme temperatures. Fluctuations of extreme cold could damage the piece and do keep in mind it is a flammable material. Avoid direct sunlight to preserve the colors. 

What if a package is lost or the item breaks?
If an item breaks while in transit let me know and I will try to replace it. While I am not responsible for what happens during shipment, I take it by a case by case basis on how to help reimburse any lost packages. Generally I will offer a replacement piece. 

I really liked a piece but it's sold out will you be restocking it?
Each piece is unique. I don't usually do the same exact design twice, but each type of item will be restocked (i.e. goddess figurines, bunnies, daggers, etc). 

Do you take commissions? 
I do not normally accept commissions at this time, but I rotate customs. If I was to take specific commissions it would be for larger projects if they interest me. Due to the nature of my work, I need the time I put into something to be profitable both monetarily and creatively. If you think you have a good budget and an interesting idea, email me! 

How long does it take to process orders?
Due to me being chronically ill, the time it takes for me to ship out items and complete customs will vary. I try to get everything done quickly but there can be delays. Average time to ship is within a week (though custom items can take longer), packages arrive around 3-5 business days. 

If you've ordered from me before, you might have received reused packaging. To minimize waste, I reuse as many bubble mailers and boxes as I can. The bubble wrap I buy is made from recycled materials. The packages might not always look pretty, but they help keep the earth a little greener.